On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 02:12:18AM -0600, Adam Porter wrote:

On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 04:00, Lars Wirzenius wrote:

Bzr now has a fix for combining compression and encryption. :)

Thanks for fixing that. Will I need to backup from scratch when I start using compression, or can compressed and uncompressed data be mixed in a repo?

Right now you need to re-backup everything, I think. If you open a bug about this, I'll make it work without having to do that.

As requested. :) It seems like it would be a good idea for each chunk to know whether it's compressed and/or encrypted. It's possible that some backup runs might intentionally skip compression (e.g. MP3s or JPGs won't benefit much from gzip).

I also wonder, how would Obnam handle it if a user accidentally mixed encrypted and unencrypted data in a repo?

As of repository format 6 (Obnam 0.27?) the system should transparently decompress data even if you don't ask it to, and should be able to detect data and read uncompressed data if you ask it to compress. This is part of the 'stable filters' work.

As such, later allowing mixing of uncompressed/compressed data should be easy.
