




How I am supposed to attach a patch here?

You need to click on the word "Attachments" below the editing area. --liw


I can't: prohibited by allowed_attachments (user is not an admin)

I sent you the patches by mail, sunday.

Best regards

Oh, right, I haven't enabled everyone to add attachments. Sorry about that.

I've responded by e-mail to the patches. Summary: I'm happy to accept patches for portability, but since I don't run FreeBSD (or the kFreeBSD kernel on Debian), I want the patches to apply cleanly and be otherwise acceptable: if I need to hack on the patches to make them acceptable to me, I don't know if they'll work for FreeBSD anymore. These patches achieved portability by disabling tests and features on Linux, which is not acceptable, so now I'm waiting for updated patches.

Meanwhile, since this is best handled via e-mail (since patches can't be attached here), I'll mark this bug as done.

Could these patches be made public? I'd like to get obnam working on my FreeBSD server doing its backups and minimizing duplication of work would be ideal. Thanks. -- mathstuf

I'm afraid the patches were not particularly useful as a basis for further work. Most of them concentrated on disabling features or functionality for everyone, which is not how porting should happen. You'd be better off grabbing the current version of Obnam and its dependencies and running "./check" in the Obnam source tree. --liw