I'm using trickle to restrict obnam to 40 KB/sec. I just resumed a backup a few minutes ago, and obnam currently says the rate is 145 KB/sec, and that it's transferred 111 MB. I'm guessing it's counting the entire size of resumed files instead of the actual bytes transferred since resuming. Whatever the cause, it's definitely off. I've not noticed it being off when not resuming.

So, there were at least a couple of problems here:

  1. Obnam was counting duplicate chunks as uploaded: when obnam found a chunk was a duplicate of an existing one, it didn't upload it, but did count it as uploaded. This has now been fixed.
  2. Obnam was showing the average upload speed over the entire backup run. It now shows the average for the last ten seconds.

Thus, I think this bug is fixed now. done (If not, please tell me!)
