<andrewsh> 20:53:15> liw: hi, I have strange issue with obnam's locks
<andrewsh> 20:53:35> I had OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or
directory: '/media/box'
<andrewsh> 20:53:56> which is itself okay, a remote mount was
inaccessible at that moment
<andrewsh> 20:54:05> obnam said, 2012-08-29 21:10:19 INFO Unlocking
client because of error
<andrewsh> 20:54:20> however, it did not unlock the repository
<andrewsh> 20:54:33> and the next time it gave me LockFail:
Lock timeout
<andrewsh> 21:01:47> and this is obnam 1.0 if that matters
<andrewsh> yes
<andrewsh> liw: 
<andrewsh> well, no
<andrewsh> well, both :D
<andrewsh> remote mount wasn't the repo, remote mount was what
I wanted to back up
<andrewsh> repo was on the local disk
<andrewsh> unavailability of a remote mount to back up caused
an interruption
<andrewsh> but despite telling me it's unlocking the repo, obnam
didn't do this

This should now be fixed in bzr. --liw done