As a system administrator I'd like to see data on how the memory and cpu usage of different obnam operations depend on the number of files and their sizes before adopting obnam for my own systems.

I imagine that in the simplest case you could use something like

for total_size in 50M 1G 50G 400G 1T 2T 3T; do
   for file_size in 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k 32k 1M 64M; do
       generate_filesystem $total_size $file_size original/
       /usr/bin/time -f "%e real %P rss" backup original/ backup/

to get cpu and memory usage of backup operations. Repeat same for obnam fsck if you are afraid that its memory usage could depend on total_size or file_size.

done A very old wishlist bug. Closing this, since keeping it open clearly isn't making it happen. --liw