
  • If you have any questions about Obnam, or any problems when using it, e-mail the support list.
  • If you have made improvements to Obnam, or want to discuss ways in which you can implement them, please e-mail the development list.
  • If unsure which list is appropriate, use the support list.
  • The announcement list is used by Obnam developers to announce new releases, or to alert Obnam users about anything that they need to know about. If you're using Obnam, you probably should be subscribed to this list. It is very low volume.

The support list is available on the Gmane site, at http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.backup.obnam. The official archives sometimes have messages in base64 encoding, and their UI isn't great, so the Gmane archives are often a better way to read the archives.

Please don't e-mail developers directly, unless you know them.


The #obnam channel on the irc.oftc.net IRC network exists for realtime discussions about Obnam. Note that the support list is strongly preferred over the IRC channel for support issues, but you're welcome to hang out and chat if you want.

Note that the main Obnam developer, Lars Wirzenius, rarely has time for serious discussions on IRC, especially during working hours.

Patches and fixes and new features

If you want to make changes to Obnam, or this website, please clone the git repository and send patches to the development list, preferably using git format-patch --cover-letter.

For learning to use git, start with these pages:

More information